
"Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit."

Ezekiel 18:31

Dear Journey Family…

Repentance is often talked about when someone makes an "altar call" or when the Gospel is preached. It is an important part of salvation because it helps us realize the need for change in our lives.

True repentance is more than just feeling sorry for what we've done wrong. It means genuinely transforming our hearts. In Ezekiel 18:31, the Bible tells us to "Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit." This verse shows that repentance is not only about stopping sinful behavior but also about aligning our hearts with God's will. It's a deep and life-changing process that brings us closer to Jesus and strengthens our relationship with Him.

When we think about our lives, it's important to identify areas where we need to repent and change our hearts. We should ask ourselves, how can I align my heart with God's will and live a life that brings me closer to Jesus?

This question helps us examine our thoughts, actions, and beliefs and strive for a closer connection with God. It encourages us to seek His guidance and surrender our lives to His power to transform us.

Remember, true repentance is not just about feeling sorry for our mistakes. It's about embracing the chance to grow and renew ourselves. It's about recognizing our need for God's grace and letting Him shape us into the people He made us to be. Let's humbly approach repentance, seek God's forgiveness, and commit to a life that reflects His love, grace, and truth.

If you would like to listen to Pastor Brian’s message, click HERE.

To join us online this Sunday morning, click HERE

Souper Bowl

On Sunday, February 11, after our worship service, we will have a soup and Super Bowl themed fellowship time. If you have a great soup recipe that you would like to share with the church, please sign up. There will be a sign-up sheet available starting this Sunday, and we'll be eagerly awaiting your soup on Souper Bowl Day!

Additionally, we encourage everyone to bring any canned goods you would like to donate. The donations will greatly benefit DNA of Plain City. We will also be holding a fundraiser for the Barnabas fund, so any donations made above your tithe will be added to our Barnabas fund.

We hope to see you there!

In Case Of Bad Weather

To ensure everyone is informed, here is our church service cancellation policy:

In the event of bad weather conditions:

  • Services will be cancelled if necessary, and the decision will be made on that Sunday by 8am.

  • Any cancellations will be promptly communicated on our Facebook page and through our website/app.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring everyone's safety during inclement weather.

Business Meeting

Last week we mentioned the business meeting. We made a mistake on the date, the actual date of the business meeting is Sunday the 28th after the service.

This meeting, as we mentioned last week, provides an opportunity to discuss our goals and plans for this year, reflect on last year's accomplishments and challenges, and collaborate on the work and mission of Journey Church.

We sincerely hope you can attend and look forward to seeing you there!

That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.

If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.

We’d love to pray with you and for you.

Email us at

And until next time, thanks for reading!

The Journey Church Team

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Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064

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New Beginnings